About Us

What We're All About

Our first video received very low patronage but I knew there were better days ahead so I never gave up. Fortunately, our 5th video went viral, boosting our spirit to do more. With prayers, dedication, and hard work, Life Morals has touched many lives worldwide and many have given testimonies about how the videos have impacted their lives. Life Morals touch people in three ways.

My Story

I have always had plans to make a great impact in the lives of many people, but how and when to make
it was a challenge to me as feared losing my job and subsequently affecting my income as a
communication designer in one of the oldest and big Tv station in Ghana, TV3. At age 35, I still couldn’t
find a way to do it until I heard a voice “Start impacting lives with what you have”. I realized that I have a
talent for writing touching stories and have knowledge of filming. I still didn’t start because that would
not fetch me any money and it would even affect my job at TV3 as a communication designer. I dropped

the idea and continued working at tv3 and then doing freelance editing. On the 2nd day of August, I had

a serious car accident that nearly took my life. On my sick bed, I asked myself, if this accident took away

my life, what legacy would I have left in this world? That’s when I realized that the greatest tragedy in

life is to die with all your God-given talent without making the talent impactful for the people around

you. Also, I realized that life is uncertain, you may be strong now, but you can be bed riding in a few

seconds or die. So, whatever you have in your hands, any good thoughts that you have, do it now.

George Boateng
- Founder -

Our vision

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

The name Life Morals came into mind and that has still been the name of our cherished activities we are
doing. Life Morals: meaning – highlighting the morals in life to make many people take better decisions
when the need arises and to inspire or motivate people to do more with their lives while they live. 

Meet Our Team

Meet our wonderful team.


George Boateng


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Elvis Kumih Yeboah

Lifemorals Partner

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Rev. Dr. Beatrice Aboagye

Admin - USA

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Hannah Gyakye Wiafe

Secretary General

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Rev Martin Bonsu

spiritual head